There are few things I hate more than this question. I feel like it's something asked at ice breakers" in those super awkward college visit tour groups or on the first way of school.
It is, in my opinion a very stupid question.
1.) There is no way I could ever choose between being Neville Longbottom and Matt Murdock.
2. ) if I were to be either of them I would die immediately.
3.) You really shouldn't want to be a fictional character because their life is terrible. Having a terrible life is (i think) a requirement for having a book written about you because it's interesting. If Matt Murdock wasn't a blind crimfighter with a dead father no one would give two shits about him. But he is. And so I obsessively watch the show.
But, since this is for a grade I suppose I have to answer the question.
I just had to say it was stupid first.
Anyway, i would probably be Matt Murdock. He's the star of "Marvel's Daredevil" (which is nothing like the film "Daredevil" which should never be mentioned, because it is so shitty even Nicholas Cage wouldn't want to be a part of it) and he's pretty great.
Actually, that isn't true, he's kinda a crap person (i mean sammmmmmmeeeee)
But I think that's what I really like about him, a lot of times superhero movies (ahem, Superman) or comics (lookin' at you Captain America) depict superheroes as these untouchable saints who make the right decisions everytime. Daredevil isn't like that. He struggles with the morality of what he's doing and is afraid of giving himself over to the violence he's exposed to. He has real relationships with his friends and struggles with lying to them about every aspect of his life.
This description is making him sound like a really sad puppy (which, tbh, he is) but he still manages to carry on and be the person that Hell's Kitchen needs. I think that amount of self sacrifice is admirable. he doesn't like what he's doing. Unlike other superheroes he doesn't find it enjoyable or fun, he hates it. And yet he continues to do it because he knows it's what Hell's Kitchen needs. I, someday, would like to have that type of perspective; understanding that what I do with my life shouldn't be because it's fun, but rather because it benifits something beyond myself.
Noah Tapp and I got into an argument (okay, maybe not argument, let's call it "Civil Discussion With A Lot of Raised Voices") about the enevitability of nonexistence last year(pretty weighty subject for Chemistry, i know, but hey, i was being really pretentious and melodramatic and Noah thought it was funny (it was)).
Anyway, my point was that inevitably I will die.
I will cease to be a part of this existence and the only thing left of me will be a couple of bones and my life's work. So ultimatley, I, as a human being, do not matter. But what I do now, or tommorow, or in ten years does. (That last part was Noah's contribution btw, I did not have that clarity. I was just like 'whelp I'm gonna die so nothing matters', i was cheery last year).
Anyway, that's why I want to be like Matt Murdock, he's very human, he makes mistakes and screws up and all that jazz, but eventually he does the right thing, and makes a difference to hundreds of people. And that's all I can hope for.
It's also the most fucking awesome thing that he's a BLIND CRIMEFIGHTER, who micromanages the shit our of Hell's Kitchen
love DD