Sunday, October 4, 2015

6 Alec A Dangerous place

1. Do you think the world will end some day? If so, how, by human error or an act of nature
2. What would you do if you were president? what would you fix? how would you use your power?
3. what is your favorite genre of movie? what makes you interested in these types of movies

1. The world we live in is not a safe place. I'm not talking about the people that may want to hurt you, or the almost constant war. Its nature. Its the constant danger of our world held back by only a few safeguards. There are several viruses that could easily kill you without proper vaccines. Tsunamis, Earthquakes, all ways that nature steps on you like an ant. Even our main source of light gives us skin cancer. And that is only the beginning.

Earth is a ship floating in the vast ocean of space, and we are the ships captain, who doesn't know how to swim. in all likelihood the world will be  ended by something extra terrestrial. A meteor from the asteroid belt, a solar flare from our own sun. earths end is inevitable. even if humanity survives to the death of our sun and its subsequent supernova will certainly destroy earth, if not that then the black hole created will suck earth past the point of no return, the all consuming event horizon.

Our world is great, it is the only one within millions of miles, but it is by no means perfect, and by no means permanent. Space is too vast and too powerful for the earth to last forever.

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