Sunday, October 4, 2015

Jodi thinks my Asics are ugly - Cas Young

1. What, in your opinion, is the most ridiculous fad you've seen recently, be it in fashion, slang, TV tropes, mass media, whatever else you can think of? What do you think it says about our culture?

2. What is your most prized possession and why?

3. If you had a billion dollars and only one weekend to spend all of it, what would you do?

Honestly, if I had a billion dollars, I would be the most selfish person alive with it, at least initially. First thing I would do is round up my best friend and fly to LA. She's always wanted to go there, and so have I, so we'd spend our weekend in the city. We'd stay in a hotel in the middle of the city and we'd eat anywhere we wanted whenever we wanted. I'd take her on a shopping spree and I'd buy the ugliest, most expensive pair of sneakers and dye my hair. I'd give her half to spend on her own accord, too. Only fair right? (Okay, maybe not half, but enough to pay off the rest of her college tuition and to get her a cool shopping spree, I'm not completely unreasonable.) I'd buy tons of stationery and really unreasonably expensive pens, and we'd drive around in a vintage car and admire all the cool architecture, the colors and strange sorts of people that live in the city. I'd take her to a concert of her choosing, a choosing of whoever was playing that weekend, and I'd get us backstage passes just because we could. And at the end of the weekend, because surely we wouldn't have spent all one billion, I'd donate a portion to a charity that builds schools in third world countries- I know someone who's trying to pay for one out of pocket, so I think I'd build one for him. I'd also give a huge chunk of the leftover to my mom, who works really hard, and my dad, who deserves a huge raise for all the work he does. Not a penny wasted.

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