Monday, October 26, 2015

Assignment 9- Meriwether Carling

War is always occurring in the world. But the real question is, how necessary are these never-ending wars? Under specific circumstances, war  is okay and in most cases, needed to end a problem. War leads to the deaths of many soldiers and in some scenarios, innocent people. So how can one justify war? They say that war is used to save even more people than it is hurting. The whole point of fighting is to protect the people that soldiers serve. They are willing to die in order to keep their country safe from outside forces that want to hurt them. Therefore, war is never "morally just", it is the lesser of two evils, but this doesn't mean that peoples intentions are ill hearted. Countries go to war to protect their citizens and their countries. If an outside enemy becomes a serious threat, then in most cases, war is the only answer to keep themselves and their citizens' safe.

Even though not as effective, there are other alternatives to war. The first one being peaceful negotiations between two disagreeing sides. This doesn't always work because it will only be successful if both sides are willing to call a truce. Another alternative is not acting on a threat. This means not declaring war on a country or group of people because they pose a threat, but instead forgive them and move on. This method is also not effective because by "forgiving" the opposing side  they may take advantage of that and attack again. In the long run, this could hurt more people than war would have.

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