Sunday, September 13, 2015

Assignment #3- Noah Tapp

To best understand the difference between good or bad we should define both of them. Good is putting others before yourself. Compassionate and empathetic. Always doing wants is best for other people and not only yourself. Bad is being selfish. Exploiting other people for your own desires. 

In our world we see good and bad around all the time. All people have good and bad moments in their life... it is not just one or the other. There are people like Warren Buffet who donate 1 billion dollars to cancer research and there are people like Adam Lanza who kill 20 people at an elementray school. As conscious people we can clearly distinguish the difference between good and bad but good people  do bad things and bad people do good things. People have a combination of good and bad things but I believe it's the intention that differentiates between them. Nelson Mandela, who opposed the apartheid  in South Africa, signed to  kill innocent people in South Africa. Although his good may override the bad, there is no denying that he did bad things. Good and bad is not clear cut. It's a combination of ones experiences. Good is not going to destroy bad and bad is not going to destroy good. Both will coexist but as a people today we should strive to do to good as often as we can.

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