Saturday, September 5, 2015

technology hates me Rachel Roberts

In theory, I think technology is totally awesome and is a great resource. But in my life all it seems to do is cause problems. The problem steams from the fact that my family tends to buy the world's worst routers. Ever. And so it goes out, turns it self off, you name it. And since so much of our electronics are hooked up to the internet, when our router decides that it doesn't want to work, they don't work either. And it's usually on days that I have to turn something in by midnight, so I have to frantically try and email teachers using my phone trying to convince them that I actually did the work, its just the fact that I have incredibly bad luck and an even more incredibly bad router.

 I'm also convinced that our printer is possessed. Occasionally I will be sitting across the room and it decides to turn itself on and shoot out all the paper that was put in it with tiny symbols on the bottom. Which is not a fun thing to happen when you are home by yourself.

I just have terrible luck with technology in general. Like we got a TV that could stream Netflix and I was super excited because that's incredible convenient. And it actually worked for a year. Until crappy router number 1 killed over. So we bought a new router at Best Buy, and had all the techy people in that general area assure us that we were buying a good router. And it work on most things in the house. All except for that fancy TV that could stream Netflix that we bought for specifically that purpose.

So technology seems to be great and wonderful for everyone else, but for the Roberts family it's a huge pain. Maybe it's not every the technology's fault, maybe its the internet company. Or maybe it's just my family. But all I know for sure is technology sure acts like it hates me.

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