Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ve believes in nossing- Henry Walther

Henry Walther

The future terrifies me. Possibly it is my obsession with post apocalyptic movies or I'm just a super smart psychic who knows exactly what will happen in the future but aren't allowed to tell anyone. Eh, it doesn't matter anyways I mean look at how unimportant ours lives will be comparison to the entire course of human history. World History. Galactic history. 
We don't matter. 

But the future does.

Well looks like for this blog post I will be more a nihilist than a futurist. Hey look another chance to make a Big Lebowski reference! "Ve believes in nossing, Lebowski." I think I will quote it in every blog post from now on, ya let's do that.

Back to the only thing that matters: the future. Poising to be of great importance, the next 10 years will break unthinkable barriers. So what should I do? Think of the unthinkable. Luckily, I've become a pro at watching TED talks so I rely on the thinking of people vastly smarter than I.

So what technology catapults humanity to knew heights? No not bigger catapults, I think (read: I've heard other supposedly smart people think) 3D printing changing the way in which humans live day to day. Broke a spoon and need a new one? Download a few files and press a button and bam, layers of metal stack in succession until you have a brand new one. Need a heart transplant but can't find any donors? After a cat scan and 3D printing of stem cells, you've got a perfect replacement organ.

Like all innovation, 3D printing is a double edged sword (Yes yes i'm sure it's possible to print a double edged sword). Instead of going out shopping or ordering items online, massive dropboxes will exist where the collective sum of human intellect and ingenuity will culminate into downloadable files, free for all to use. Major retailers will struggle to compete with these vaults of free goodies. Stores shut down, jobs lost, the future is coming and it aint pretty.

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