Sunday, September 27, 2015

Clara McKinley #5

Rarely would I be able to answer very specific questions about the tv shows I watch. Most of the time they are time fillers, what I do watch when I'm not quite sure what to do or just don't have the energy to do anything else. TV is exactly that for over half of the time, nothing but a time filler. I watch TV as an excuse to not doing anything else, including just doing nothing.
The television is my security blanket. It's what I do before I go to bed, while I do half of my homework, when I get home from school. I'm committed to my security blanket though. Once I pick a show a don't stop, sometimes in a bad way to. I tend to set goals with my shows, how quickly I can manage to get through seasons or the entire show. It's weird though, because I know my security blanket is so irrelevant to life. Television is fun but Grey's Anatomy and Unbreakable mean nothing.
TV is great entertainment but that is all that it is. The shows we watch do nothing more than help us to not have to think. The news obviously is different than that, but even when we watch the news half the time it is irrelevant information. Television is good yes, but not important. The Noble Peace Prize isn't announced on television because with out the TV millions upon millions of people care about it. Unlike this, no one cares who got the Emmy for the best whatever. They have to be publicized in order to have any importance.

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