Sunday, September 13, 2015

Good vs. Evil- Jessica Sunnenberg

The battle between good and evil will always exist. Whether you see someone as good, or whether you see someone as evil, all depends on your views. Everyone has grown up differently, with different people and things around them to serve as influence. Someone might have been taught growing up that a certain thing is bad, when that same thing could be second nature to a completely different child in a completely different household.

Lying is a great example. Almost all children are taught not to lie. "Lying is bad." "Nothing good ever comes from lying." This, while having some truth, can also be seen in a different way. Sometimes people lie so that other people don't get hurt. It could be something as simple as telling a friend you like her clothes when you really don't, just to make her feel better. These people are still not good. Sure, they might believe that they are doing a good thing because that is one less hurt feeling in the world, but that is not true. At least I don't believe it to be true. I think that anyone that lies to you should not be your friend. They are doing no good.

One definition of evil is morally wrong or bad. Like I said earlier though, everybody's morals are different based on how they were raised, their family, friends, religious beliefs, etc. This means that everybody's definition of evil is different. Pure evil might exist in a single person's eyes, but it will never truly exist until everyone's morals are the same....which will never happen.

In the grand scheme of things, no, I do not think that any person can be purely good or purely evil. A good person always does bad things. As my home girl Hannah Montana would say: everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days. There are also the bad people that still do some good things. You can't define a person as good or bad, but you can define their actions based on what you believe.

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