Saturday, April 2, 2016

21 - Emily Sandford

Right now as I sit here wondering what in the world I should write this post about many, many things are currently happening in this world we live in.

People are picking sides; whether to love or to hate. The hate is spawned by fear, fear of what is different. Love is spawned by understanding that even though we are ALL different we are more alike than we seem.

The world will never be the same come November because the U.S is seriously considering an idiot for the presidency. Someone that is ruled by hate, and feeds off of it. Someone that is unpredictable in actions and words. Someone that NO ONE should ever be.

People are forced from homes, ripped from families, and the world still turns as cruel as it is. Despite all of the horrible things that occurring to them they hold hope, and most importantly love.

Yet, the world goes on with ALL of its problems occurring, and sometimes we can’t stop all of them. But they will become more manageable if the turns to love and not to hate.

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