Saturday, April 23, 2016

Yoga, Food, Music REPEAT- Rachel Roberts

Yoga, food, and music are my three favorite things in the whole world. During even the most stressful weeks I set aside time to do these, so I don't totally loose my sanity. They must be done in this order to for optimum success.

1. Yoga. I am incredibly uncoordinated and for lack of a better phrase, an awkward mover in general. So no, I am not even close to being good at yoga. But it makes me feel graceful and centered and at peace for the hour I do it. The stretching releases tension and stress, making me a happy person. (plus my yoga mat is really pretty and I like to use it whenever possible).

2. Food. I could eat all the time when I'm stressed. I am a major stress eater. But yoga kept me away from food for a good hour, so now I feel like I need to reward myself. So I treat myself to my favorite frozen meal, Amy's Gluten Free Vegan Mac and Cheese (which has a lot more flavor than it sounds).

now I am Zen and my tummy is happy.

3. Last but not least, music. Specifically The Beatles. During a much simpler but stressful time of my life, the transition from elementary to middle school, the only music I would listen to  was The Beatles. I am dead serious. A solid two years of only Beatles. I don't know why, but any of their songs will automatically put me in a better and less stressed mood. They have never failed me.

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