Saturday, February 20, 2016

Assignment 19- Meriwether Carling

Ever since I was little, my parents drilled into me one specific quote... "do what you love and the money will come". And well,  I couldn't agree more. When asked nowadays, students say that their dream is to be a doctor or a lawyer or some other high salary job. They feel that if they don't pursue one of these occupations then they won't be successful in life. Because of the advice my parents told me I want to be an equine vet when I grow up. Ever since I was little, my love for animals has been strong and a big part of my life. I used to ride horses around the age of 7, but sadly had to quit because of soccer commitments. On top of that, my dad's job involved attending numerous horse shows and events where I got to meet tons of amazing horse breeders and become a part of the Kentucky horse community. Ever since then I knew that I wanted to combine my love for science and animals into becoming an equine vet.

Doing what you are passionate about and loving every minute of it trumps being stuck in a job that you have no desire to be in. Having a love for your occupational field usually leads to becoming an expert in that field because you will always want to learn more about things. In turn, the money will follow. So from my parents to anyone reading this, pursue your passion despite a hesitation due to financial reasons.

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