Thursday, February 18, 2016

Refrigerator Hye Jee Kim

So this piece of advice is something that I hear all of the time. The most colorful way that it has been delivered was through a pun.

The room felt 100 degrees hotter than it actually was. Mrs. Howard brought in the box of make-up World History AP test and I started dying on the inside. Apparently my stress was obvious. The only other student in the room was Evan Vee Hays. And in all of his wisdom, he told me:
         I'm going to tell you what the guy that came to fix my refrigerator told me. Chill.

That's something that I super suck at. I can't chill. I have no chill. I am Hades in Death Valley chugging Tabasco in the middle of July. This gets on people's nerves. I'm aware of it, but I can't actually stop. But even though I had already heard the advice "you need to chill" a million times before, the Haysian pun stuck in my brain. And now whenever I find myself stressing about anything, I just picture a refrigerator and I get slightly less stressed.

This isn't to say I'm not obnoxiously anxious. I am. And I will continue to be. It's just not as bad as it used to be.

Thanks bro. Appreciate it.

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