I don't get to watch a lot of movies whether it's because I don't have anyone to go to the movies with or because I'm doing APUSH or because I'm just too damn lazy. Recently, I've had an interest in Wes Anderson movies. Yes, it's probably a super pretentious director to like, but the symmetry and colors are too good to ignore! I'm a sucker for an aesthetic. My two favourite WA movies are Moonrise Kingdom and The Grand Budapest Hotel.
They're fairly similar in that they focus on an offbeat duo in a but of trouble with a form of authority. In Moonrise Kingdom there's our young lovers in a jam because they ran away with each other... and a rather elaborate chase ensues. In the Budapest Hotel, it's Gustav and Zero running from whoever it is they're running from. Also involving an elaborate chase.
They both also have similar symmetrical images. In Moonrise Kingdom, there are lots of face-on shots, especially of Suzy, but what makes them really cool is that they're meant to be symmetrical, but the actress who plays Suzy has an asymmetrical face so it's ever so slightly distorted. WOW imagery. In Budapest- it's wide shots of the hotel, the lobby, the church (monastery?) lots of wide shots on symmetrical settings.
And everything seems to me meticulously clean, too...
But what sets them apart the most is the difference in their color schemes and the differing airs of nonchalance. Moonrise Kingdom has more warm tones, yellows, warm browns, bright turquoise and red, while Budapest is more rich purple, pink, gold, white, and grey. And the whole nonchalance thing- the adults in Moonrise Kingdom seem to be fairly calm and collected about the whole kids-eloping-and-getting-fake-married-and-what-the-hell-is-even-happening thing, but in Budapest, most of the characters are already adults, and there's more of a rushed and urgent feeling as they try to get back to the hotel, and there is more humor (I find, at least).
Well... that's all I got. I love Wes Anderson and symmetry.
i prefer TGBH