greetings! i am a blue and black babolat pure drive. As a tennis racquet I have had many experiences with my master Noah. I am dormant during the day when he is in "school" but I whip smoothly out of the the silver nike bag around 4. Noah likes to bang my strings to warm them up and then for about two hours I am attached to his hand.
During our warmup my strings cleanly brush the ball. However during some days when Noah is just not feeling it I often shank the ball. He glares at me like it was my fault! when his play deteriorates even more I get destroyed against the concrete court. I am worth $199.99 with shipping and handling, and he treats me like a damn Wilson or Prince.
I hate it when he exchanges me for another one of my species. he keeps three others in his bag for "security." Sometimes my tension gets to low( i don't know what that means) and I get summoned to the bag.
We have had some life changing experiences together too. I travel to all the tournaments with him and have got restrung by some of the best stringers in the world. I love when they put the all black RPM in me. I surely can tell a difference in my ability to put spin and power on the fuzzy ball.
All racquets have about 18 months of life in them so I will retire soon. I don't know what my routine will be then, but for now I am hitting the nylon the best I can.
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