I have, without a doubt, the best zombie plan ever.
Step 1: hit the hardware store
If I can get a crowbar, a power drill, and as much car repair as I can carry in a large backpack, I'll be good to go. While I'm looting the hardware store, I'll pull together a few people there so we can all stick together and have a group- apocalypses are always better navigated in groups. Then we take a couple cars depending on our size and drive to a small town or out to a farm.
Step 2: Walgreens
I'm a female. I bleed once a month. I'm going to loot every box of pads and tampons I can get. And with that, all the medicine I can scrape off the shelves is going right into a duffel bag. Pharmacies have snacks, first aid, antibiotics, scissors, and razors (to get rid of the beards our crew might have. It'll get tedious). I can add the first-aid stuff to my sister's paramedic bag, which is full of first-aid stuff.
Step 3: go to Bass Pro Shop on the way out of town
Hear me out- wetsuits are a must-have in order to avoid zombie bites. Zombies have blunt teeth and can't bite through that. Basically, we're going to grab camping gear. Tents, machetes, pocket knives, bows, arrows, propane fuel, compact sleeping bags, fishing gear, parkas, flashlights, and ALL THE BATTERIES. We're going to be set for life.
Step 4: set up camp
We're going to be in a small town or on a farm. Small town ensures minimal zombie count and max supplies, the fewer the people the better. And usually small towns still have pretty decent-sized grocery stores, so all the stock won't be gone as fast. We'd live preferably on the water or near a forest so we could fish or hunt for food a lot, then we won't exhaust the Kroger in a couple weeks. If need ever be, we'd have the means to pick up and move around, so we're going to survive.
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