Sunday, November 29, 2015

Assignment 14 Lauryn McNair

Thanksgiving at my house is pretty standard. There's always been my mom, my three (used to be two) sisters, my brother, and myself. Generally, someone's friend accompanies them, or my mom's mom might pop in, but there's always us. This year, it was my siblings, my mom, Alexis, my three nephews, my sister-in-law, and my nephews dad. Unlike most years, it was pretty relaxed. After we got done eating, we sat in the living room, watching the babies and reminding my mom why she was so happy most of them had moved out. I really enjoy Thanksgiving. It's always been my favorite, just recently replaced by Christmas. Thanksgiving to me, was a time for my family to all be together, no matter how much they got on my nerves. I had my most favorite Thanksgiving when I was 7. Besides all of my standard family, my grandfather came which I thought was the best thing ever. Being 41 years older than my mom, I had only known him when he was old. He lived in Sharpsburg, an extremely small town  30 minutes from here and rarely left it. I remember my mom made pineapple casserole for the first time, which he really loved and I found it hilarious that he kept getting up to get more of it. He died that December or the next December so I hold that Thanksgiving even more close to me.

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