Sunday, December 6, 2015

#10 BOO- Jessica Sunnenberg

Explain what scares you the most and why.

On a serious note, the thing that scares me the most is getting injured. I have seen so many professional, college, and even high school athletes (some of my friends) get injuries that either end their careers or put them out of the game for a long time. A lot of the times in volleyball, players usually get injured because they jumped up at the net and landed on someone else's foot. I have seen people break their ankles, tear ACLs, etc. from things that weren't even their fault. I love volleyball so much and can't imagine my life without it, so the thought of volleyball ending due to injury is very scary for me. With that being said, I work with a strength trainer on my off days to avoid said injury. I have been working with him since I was 11 (and literally tripping over my own feet) and he has helped me become a better, healthier athlete that is less prone to injury.

Now on a less-serious, but still very terrifying note, the things that scares me the most are clowns. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I don't care what anybody has to say to try and change my mind. It won't work. Every time I see one it results in instant tears and pure terror. I can't handle them.

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