Sunday, December 6, 2015

Assignment 15 -- Andrew Thompson

     This is meant to replace the week 4 assignment.
2.) You get invited to join the pantheon of the gods, but only get an entry level position. What mundane, ordinary, every-day thing do you choose to be the god of?
     I choose to be the God of Optimal Efficiency. Maybe I will choose to bless you with properly aligned cutlery all pointing in the same direction or neatly stacked measuring cups - to shave precious milliseconds off of your normal kitchen duties. Perhaps I will untie the laces of your shoes for you, so you can get going in the morning just that much faster, or maybe your TV remote will somehow always find it's way to the arm of the sofa everyday, even though you don't remember putting it there.
     And when the time is right - I estimate about 5-7 years - I will battle my way to the main pantheon of the gods. I would, of course, win this battle by already arranging my weapons based on their probable utility in the upcoming battle, such that the more probable is closest to my hand... these precious moments would ensure that I will be faster on the draw than my opponents and ensure my victory.
     Then, all of my newly gained followers would be blessed with organized sock drawers and will bow before my feet... in alphabetical order of course, for easy reference when matching prayers to the correct worshiper.

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