Wednesday, December 2, 2015

On this Date -Jodi Kirkner

Alright, I cheated a little on this blog post. It was supposed to be some random day in October but I was just so unimpressed with the histories of those months that I put it off, until this FATEFUL, FATEFUL, DAY.

So today, I decided I'd make up this blog post and when I checked what happened on December 2nd I found out...... (throwback to WHAT THE DOG SAW).........


Mind blown, right? I don't know, am I just really weird? I got so excited when I saw that. Like, incredibly excited. What a coincidence! An explanation point doesn't do it justice. I'm in an ALL CAPS KIND OF MOOD OVER THIS ARE YOU NOT COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY?

Am I just tired?

Is this only too much for me or is it too much for you too?

Enron, for those of you who didn't do your summer reading properly (I know you didn't read every word in that book, kids) was some company who did a lot of shady stuff that reminded me of corporate PACs but could also have just been some tricky and technically legal kind of embezzlement-type deal... Anyway they threw their money around so much and got like funds inside funds inside funds and it ended in their bankruptcy. All those employees lost their jobs and it must have been really sad. A few of them sued Enron for being class-A a**holes. Excuse my French.

ANYWAY... I don't really care all that much about Enron, but I do care about how things in life are coincidental like this. They happen to me often and I love them. These little instances bring my life joy.

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