Sunday, December 13, 2015

Assignment 9 Mark Walsh

War is a barbaric and devastating practice. That being said, War is also sometimes necessary. For instance, we needed to intervene into the Second World War. The Holocaust, combined with the wave of destruction that the Nazis reaped across Europe needed to end, and we were needed to end it. This is also true in the case of the American Civil War. The North effectively liberated an entire race of people in that conflict, and still managed to heal the wounds (with time) that this bloody war caused. War is never excusable, but is often times a necessary evil. The Bloodshed that war brings is so costly, but if a race of people is being liberated, a nation is being defended, or imminent destruction is averted, war can be worth the bloodshed and destruction. It is only when greed and differing ideologies influence the war, as is the case with the Cold War and the recent conflicts in the middle east. 

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